Monday August 6th, 2007


Mayor informacion Caso de Estudio

Biodigestors, Case Study

Granja Porcícola La Joya
Biodigestor con Co Generación de Energía Eléctrica
Atlixco Puebla, México
La Joya

Engineer: Strickland Engineering
Owner: “Granja Porcícola La Joya”
Project: Design and Installation of Lagoon Covers and Liners for Bio-Digestor
Size: 6400 m²
Material: HDPE 1.5 mm (60 mil)

Installer: Environmental Fabrics de México


This farm had the problem of two open lagoons, where the manure of 15,000 pigs in full cycle was just oxidized. This caused severe odor problems, filtration of wastes into the ground and emission of methane (green house gas) into the atmosphere.


The solution proposed to this site was the creation of 2 bio-digesters. These digesters take the pork manure under a cover, which eliminates the odor and ground problems. It also captures methane, which is responsible for generating 2400m³ of biogas, producing 240 KWA of energy per hour, which provides the farm with all of their power needs.

Environmental Fabrics de México was chosen to do the work and supply the geosynthetic products. The job was done in a little over a month. These digesters proved to be an economical alternative for the solution of this farm’s environmental problems as well as the mitigation of green house gas emissions.